Bonames (Frankfurt am Main)
Bonames can be found on the Nidda river and federal highways. The built-up area is between Kalbach, Nieder–Eschbach, and Harheim, while the open space is south towards Nidda. The area today’s Bonames is located on the Roman military road into Wetterau. It was between the Civitashauptort Nida, main town of Civitas Tauensium, and now Heddernheim/ Römerstadt. The Roman long mile, which also ran from the Nidda crossing via Homburg, to Castle Saalburg, was built in Roman times. Two theories exist about the origin of the name. Historians prefer the first variant. It assumes there was a mansion here on the Nidda (“Good Rest Stop”)), while the second thesis holds that a priest must have preached here, and thus the “bona misseda” (“Good Mass”) name.
Details of the Past – Bonames
Excavations found in 2007 during a listed preliminary investigation of construction work for a parking garage have finally supported the thesis that the place name derives from Rome. These finds indicate that there was a tower-like structure at least two stories high, dating back to the second century. It is located close to the Roman route. The massive walls and exposed location near the Roman crossing of Nidda suggest that this was a Roman road station.
Bonames was home to a castle built at the beginning of the 13th Century (- Burg Bonames), and Friedrich von Bonames is mentioned within a Frankfurt Book of the Dead. From 1219, the first Henricus von Bonames called him miles. knights. This is also the origin of the street name “Am Burghof”, but Niederungsburg’s remains were sold off due to dilapidation as early as the mid-19th century. Some of the remnants of ‘s former city wall are still at their original height, which is unusual for such a small town. Galgenstrasse today can be traced back to a wooden gallows which stood outside the village, but near the boundary of the district. It is believed that it was maintained by the Frankfurt City Council. Bonames, the northernmost district in Frankfurt, was disintegrated as part of the Frankfurt district Prussian.
The Frankfurter Berg border was at the time owned by Bonames. In 1953, the residential neighbourhood Bonameser Strasse was established. It was inhabited by economically poor people. The old aircraft field is located in Bonames, and the nearby district of Kalbach Riedberg. It is part of Frankfurt’s green belt. The airfield was renovated , and parts of it were converted into a skating rink or a skateboard. There is also a museum for Frankfurt and a museum of local history. Since the 1970s, the structure of the district has changed. The Ben-Gurion-Ring is located in the northern part of the district, near Nieder-Eschbach. This was where many immigrants settled. It is still known for its social problems. There is also a wide and varied commercial area that has been developed since 2000.
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